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The Smashing Pumpkins . Revue de Presse
- 1999 - Online Chat
- A Propos de Gish
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    Billy: on va commencer dans deux minutes. le groupe est arrivé !!!!!

    Billy: est-ce que tout le monde est prêt ??????

    Billy: ok, une question à la fois s'il-vous-plaît...

    Q: Salut je veux d'abord vous dire que je vous aime et que vous avoir vu au 930 club était incroyable. J'en ai chié pour avoir des tickets et j'ai fini par les payer 60 dollars chacun mais je me suis retrouvé devant james et c'était incroyable ! je vous aime ! Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de jouer 'La Dolly Vita'? Et écoutez-vous beaucoup Gish ? Billy a oublié les mots de Siva pendant le show et a commencé à chanter "Who Do You Love?"

    Billy: nous avons joué la dolly vita pour revenir aux bons vieux jours de rock et de chant de chansons douces...mais je suis vieux maintenant et j'oublie souvent les paroles.

    Q: Pourquoi 'La Dolly Vita' n'était-elle pas sur Gish?

    Billy: nous avons décidé de ne pas mettre la dolly vita sur gish car nous ne sentions pas que nous pourrions mettre la version sub pop...et nous voulions seulement des choses nouvelles...

    Q: Que diriez-vous à quelqu'un qui veut commencer un groupe avec un son que personne n'a entendu avant, quelque chose de nouveau, quelque chose de différent sans label, mais qui ne peut pas trouver quelqu'un qui veuille et qui ressente la même chose et qui se soucie autant de la musique que du groupe ?

    James: Bonne chance. je plaisante, je pense que c'est génial si tu as un son unique et une idée unique sur la musique, mais cela demande beaucoup de patience pour être reconnu.

    Q: 'I Am One' était la première chanson de type 'pumpkins', comment avez-vous fait la transition entre faire des chansons comme les autres comme 'Not Worth Asking'?

    Billy: nous avions en fait beaucoup plus de chansons "rock" avant i am one, mais c'était probablement la première chanson définitivement pumpkin...cette transition est arrivée quand nous avons commencé à avoir confiance en notre propre son.

    Q: J'ai entendu beaucoup de chansons de la période Gish comme Jennifer Ever, East; Pourquoi aucune de ces chansons n'est-elle sortie ?

    Billy: je suppose que ces chansons vont sortir un jour, mais à ce moment elle paraissait très dépassée...maintenant elles semblent à nouveau fraiches.

    Q: S'il y a une chose que vous pourriez refaire avec l'enregistrement de Gish encore une fois, qu'est-ce que ce serait ?

    Billy: croyez le ou pas, je ne changerai pas grand chose...j'aurais peut-être espéré avoir écrit un plus de chansons à l'époque...

    Q: Were any of the songs on Gish "chemically" enhanced?

    Billy: yes, we often scrubbed the tapes with draino.

    James: At the time, I was drinking a lot of Diet Pepsi. Now don't go judging me too quickly, I had a lot of stress, music, and college papers to finish. If I can be candid, I also had a few latte's down at the local cafe.

    Q: Que pensez-vous que vous feriez si vous ne vous étiez jamais rencontrés?

    James: je suppose que je serai encore au college, écrivant beaucoup de papiers et lisant beaucoup de livres sur la botanique, la psychologie, et la mythologie du rock. Peut-être que je vivrais encore chez mes parents, qui sont des gens très sympas.

    Q: There was a period when you wrote songs with amazing dynamic, stylistic, and structural changes throughout that helped push up the level on your music. I've noticed from the Arising tour songs and Adore that this is no longer something you try to do. Why is that?

    Billy: people often question why we bothered to change, but i think that a question like this almost answers itself...we were as great as we could be at those types of songs, and we bored with them and moved on...it's called progress, bu t people often see progression as regression, but i feel we have always moved forward...

    Q: Est-ce que le seul outtake de Gish, 'Jesus Loves His Babies', va sortir un jour ?

    Billy: j'ai menti...il y en a plus...

    Q: Hey Bolly, quel est ce coeur ou ce symbole à l'arrière de Gish ?

    James: Mais qui est Bolly ?

    Q: quelle chanson de gish préférez-vous jouer en live ?

    Billy: je devrais dire que siva est probablement la meilleure chanson live de cette période... and it seems in my addled mind that we played many different version s of that song

    James: On the last tour we did, we really enjoyed playing 'I Am One'. It was surprisingly fresh and fun to play.

    Q: quel type de voiture conduisez-vous les gars ?

    James: j'ai une Volvo.

    Q: Pre-Gish, was their a key event that got the band noticed?

    Billy: i think what changed everything for the band before pre-gish was recording our own demos in this guy's basement...we spent all our money to record 19 songs, and that is when everything changed for us.

    Q: Pourquoi 'I'm Going Crazy' a été ajoutée à la fin de 'Daydream'?

    Billy: parce que nous allions vraiment devenir et sommes vraiment devenus fous.

    Q: D'où est venu le nom Tristessa ?

    Billy: d'un bouquin de Jack Kerouac qui porte le même nom.

    Q: Le coeur sacré qui est au dos de Gish dit "Souvenir de Ste-Anne de Beaupré". Y-êtes-vous allés?

    Billy: j'y suis allé une fois dans un rêve... une femme m'a parlé...son nom était lillian...elle m'a dit vous devriez jouer du rock, et cela va faire beaucoup de pleurs pas de larmes si vraies...alors des années après vous allez demander...qu'est-il arrivé?

    Q: j'ai entendu dire que Billy a commencé à jouer de la guitare parce que son père était un guitariste de jazz. James, pourquoi as-tu commencé à jouer ?

    James: Dans mes amis, tous avaient une guitare et j'ai pensé que ce serait "cool" de jouer, et alors je me suis rendu compte que c'était très dur de jouer, alors elle est restée dans mon placard pendant un moi (je parle de la guitare) et puis un jour mes amis sont revenus faire un boeuf, alors cela m'a forcé à jouer et c'était plutôt excitant, et d'être forcé à jouer, j'ai appris à jouer de la guitare. cela remonte au pre-college (pre-school).

    Q: Pourquoi la basse était-elle aussi présente sur Gish, par rapport aux autres albums?

    Billy: c'était avant que nous nous sommes rendu compte que nous voulions que les guitares soient très fortes tout le temps.

    Q: Pour Billy et James: En retournant 10 ans en arrière, what do you think Gish stood for and offered for audiences and for you as a band then, and what artistic or personal insights does it offer you as a band at present looking back upon those early days?

    Billy: i felt at the time that gish was ahead of it's time...of course nobody in 1991 thought so except us, but time was on our side and i'm proud it has become such an influential and respected album.

    Q: Hey Billy, c'était quoi ce truc avec une cloche, autour du cou, sur la pochette de Gish ?

    Billy: je pense que j'ai déjà répondu à cela, mais j'ai porté ces cloches pendant deux ans pour me rappeller, encore et encore, pour me souvenir.

    Q: Beaucoup de gens pensent que le solo de guitare sur Tristessa est l'un des meilleurs de tous. Etes-vous d'accord ?

    Billy: non je ne suis pas d'accord...je dois le mettre derrière ceux de the aeroplane flies high ou cherub rock.

    Q: Will I get to see you guys at Woodstock next week?

    Billy: no, because they offered jewel more money.

    Q: Qu'est-ce que ça faisait que Gish sorte en même temps que d'autres albums comme Nevermind par Nirvana et Ten par Pearl Jam?

    James: Il y avait beaucoup de bonne musique au début des années 90 et Nirvana et Pearl Jam ont fait vraiment de grands disques. C'était très excitant de jouer avec des groupes de leur calibre pendant cette période, surtout qu'il n'y avait pas de compétition entre ces groupes. Surtout parce qu'aucun de nous n'avait le même son, excepté pour les guitares puissantes.

    Q: Pouvons-nous espérer voir quelque chose comme un show d'anniversaire pour Gish/Siamese Dream ? Ou peut-être même une tournée ? Vous êtes mon groupe préféré depuis Lollapalooza, et j'aimerais revoir beaucoup de ces chansons jouées en live. Les deux dernières fois je vous ai vu à Détroit, et c'était à 95% du nouveau matériel.. Est-ce que c'est comme ça que ça va se passer maintenant ?

    Billy: en fait la prochaine tournée sera une réunion de marked.

    Q: Y-a-t-il une signification derrière le mot "Gish," ou n'y-a-t-il aucun sens ?

    Billy: la signification du mot gish est i don't, i will, i was.

    Q: How was Butch Vig patient during the making of Gish?

    Billy: he had one of those electric cattle prods...he used that everytime something was out o f tune.

    Q:I want to thank both of you for giving us something to listen to and relate with instead of being stuck with Ricky Martin and Backstreet Boys songs. I'm not sure if this question already got through or not, but what lessons did you learn in the making of Gish that contributed to the success of the band?

    James: Maybe you can help us out - I heard that the Backstreet Boys and Ricky Martin loves Gish. We also heard that "The Boys" covered "I Am One".

    Q: Comment va bugg?

    James: Bugg est fantastique. C'est un bon gars. En fait, c'est un bon chien.

    Billy: je déteste me répéter...mais c'est un chat sur gish...

    Q: De quoi parle la chanson "Snail" ? A propos de quoi l'as-tu écrite ?

    Billy: snail parle du petit garçon trouvé sur la plage un jour, je l'ai amené à moi, et maintenant il joue dans ce groupe local de chicago h.

    Q: Les similarités des paroles entre 'I Am One' et quelques nouvelles chansons sont notables. est-ce que Billy s'en est rendu compte ?

    Billy: every song is ripped off from every other song.

    Q: Pendant Gish, quel a été votre moment préféré pendant toute la période d'enregistrement ?

    Billy: quand l'album a été fini en entier, à 7 heures du mat, et je suis allé dans un coin et me suis endormi sur mon cartable (book bag).

    Q: Y-a-t-il des messages cachés dans une des chansons de Gish ?

    Billy: oui, si tu écoutes le fonds sur Rhinocerous, cela dit "écoutez adore."

    Q: Do you two miss anything about the Gish and Pre-Gish days?

    Billy: i miss when it was simpler to just get in a van and drive to a show...to play new music and not have people wonder what does it mean in context with the old...the simplicity is what i miss.

    Q: Quelle est pour vous la piste la plus puissante sur Gish?

    Billy: je devrais dire snail.

    Q: Billy, on the cover of Gish, your hat looks like it has a little Star Of David on it. I can't make it out clearly, so I could be wrong, but is that what it is? What is that suppossed to symbolize?

    Billy: don't you know...i'm jewish.

    Q: How did you feel playing with Jane's Addiction when you were just a "new band"?

    James: It was the first time we played with a real heavy band, and they were awesome. It really opened our eyes in using a heavier sound to get the music across.

    Q: Billy, what was it like opening for The Red Hot Chili Peppers back during the Gish era?

    Billy: it was great...they treated us with so much respect, and so many of the shows from all three bands were great.

    Q: Are there studio recordings of songs you played live like What You Wanted and I Am My End?

    Billy: no unfortunately, there are not.

    Q: Combien de temps et combien d'argent a-t-il fallu pour enregistrer Gish?

    Billy: l'album a coûté à peu près 30, 000 dollars et cela a pris 46 jours du début à la fin.

    Q: The million dollar question: What does James say before "Bury Me", if it is James at all?

    James: "Unchain, unchain..."

    Q: When you recorded Gish, Did you have any problems?

    Billy: yeah, we were totally broke and i lived with a smelly hippie.

    Q: Who's toes are those in the picture of Bugg, in Gish?

    James: I believe those are my toes.

    Q: Did the band get along during the recording of Gish?

    Billy: yes, we got along great...and as a matter of fact we've always gotten along great...all the rest is media hype.

    Q: Quand les significations de ces paroles vont-elles être données ?

    Billy: quelles paroles ?

    Q: How is Bugg doing? Does he still hang out with the band?

    James: Bugg still has his "paw" in executive managing the band.

    Q: How long did it take you all to play old songs again with Jimmy back in the band?

    Billy: believe it or not, everybody remembered all the old songs on the first try.

    Q: To Billy- how does it feel hearing the Gish songs after so many years?

    Billy: when i listen to gish...it makes me think of us rehearsing with no heat, getting lost in the van, eating shitty pizza because that was the free food the club had promised us...we spent alot of time together, and that's what i hear when i see gish.

    Q: How many songs were written before the ones that are on Gish?

    Billy: before gish, i would say we have about 50 songs...many that have never been bootlegged.

    Q: When you w ere recording Gish and touring , what did most of your meals consist of? Considering money was tight, I would assume lots and lots of twinkies.

    James: We got 20 dollars per day to eat when we were on tour, so we ate a lot of junk. I imagine there were so me twinkies involved.

    Q: Pouvons-nous changer de sujet pour parler du nouvel album?

    Billy: quel nouvel album ???

    Q: What band influenced you the most to create the "Gish Sound"?

    Billy: black sabbath.

    Q: What Gish song took the most time to record and why?

    Billy: probably rhinocerous...i think it took 38 days.

    Q: Have you ever noticed that the Collective Soul song "Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down" sounds JUST like the intro to Snail?

    Billy: yeah, it's ironic that he had the same inspiration at the same moment as me.

    Q: At the beginning of 'Bury Me', there's someone saying something like "Boys, let's do it" right before the bass kicks in, who is that, and what the hell does he/she say?

    Billy: it's benjamin disraeli, former prime minister of great britain, sayin g, "not now, edith."

    Q: Billy, what was ur last job before you went into recording Gish?

    Billy: was working at a used record shop that sold show tunes.

    Q: James what is the one most thing you enjoy out of life?

    James: I enjoy being completely domest ic, grocery shopping, walking Bugg, and Rocking the world. I guess that's 3 things.

    Q: What is the impression you would like people get you listening Gish from beginning till the end?

    Billy: i would hope that they would be taken on a mystikal journey o f digital warlocks and analog martyrs.

    Q: Why does everyone look so strung out on the Gish cover?

    Billy: cheap drugs.

    Q: Where is the red van?

    Billy: i sold it to my dad, and he still has it.

    Q: Did you tour with Gish in Europe?

    Billy: yes, we t oured for about six weeks during the early part/winter of 92, and i still say it was the best the band ever played.

    Q: How do you feel about the computer?

    James: It is your friend, and your enemy. I have a computer at home, but my roomate uses it. One day I will understand the Internet and the world of computers but for the moment I still use pen and paper for writing songs, organization, and letter writing. Also I don't type very well. My friend Adam is typing for me.

    Q: Est-ce que vous m'aimez?

    Billy: oui je t'aime beaucoup.

    Q: When you did gish, did you seem to get a lot of calls from highschool friends?

    James: Over the years, and especially during Gish and Siamese, a lot of high school people I knew came out of the woodwork. There was one concert w here the "Bully" of our school called me out of the blue asking for tickets, and I was told after the concert that he called and I wondered why are you calling when you used to hate me. Well, he didn't just hate me, he hated everyone.

    Q: Billy and James: what are your favorite bands at this point in time? And are you into all of the new death pop stuff?

    James: What is "new death pop stuff"? That sounds wild. I think we will name the new album that. Thank you.

    Q: Who played the woodblock on 'Crush'?

    James: Melalocka Dronaish. He is a mystical figure in the Wisconsin musical scene, Butch Vig is his cousin. It sounds easy, but the woodblock is incredibly hard to play.

    Q: Billy, if you were trapped in a box with three other people, who would they be?

    Billy: james...d'arcy...and jimmy of course.

    Q: what are the odds of actually getting a question answered?

    Billy: 999,999,999,999,999,999,765,778,665 to 1.

    Q: Did you realize how blessed you were to have Jimmy as a drummer when he first joined?

    James: I realized how blessed we were when he failed to show up for the next practice.

    Billy: i think we're going to go now...i mean i love you and stuff...but...

    Q: What does the song 'I Am One' mean?

    Billy: i wanna say wassup to all the ladies.

    James: Got me. I've been playing the damn song for 10 years, still don't know what the hell it's about. Good riff though.

    Billy: by the way, i was born in chicago...james is from elk grove

    Q: Billy, all the strippers in SF love you. Come visit us!

    Billy: pour some sugar on me.


    Billy: hi...how are you today? i'm fine thanks...the album is moving along, thanks, and i'll be over real soon to eat your mom's cookies.

    Q: Billy, this chat fucking sucked, thanks a lot, now I know you don't really give a shit about a lot of things.

    Billy: i love all our fans the same...if you are tired, i am tired too, if you are cranky, i will be cranky with you.

    Q: Hey James, what is it like to be so big now?

    James: I have to eat quite a bit of food these days, more than when we were just beginning. Kidding aside, I'd like to think we're all basically the same as we used to be, besides the Hummvie stretch limo in the back yard.

    Billy: ok, last chance to win that special autographed cymba l, we still don't have a winner.

    Q: James, on Vieuphoria, you talked about the shoes the other members wore? Do you really feel that way?

    James: It was just a joke. I think.

    Q: For James, how is Scratchie Records coming along?

    James: Scratchie Records 2.0 is coming.

    Billy: hello? is there anyone out there...if you're out there...say hell yeah.

    Billy: hello to all my peeps!!!

    Billy: cause stone cold says so.

    Billy: hip hop fuckin hooray.

    Q: Billy and James, my mom wants to know if you like to listen to Bruce Springsteen or especially Bob Dylan?

    James: I think they're both fine song writers, and I'm sure they both own copies of Gish, our groundbreaking CD that we are currently discussing. My guess is, they probably ripped us off mercilessly th rough the early 90's. I might be pushing it to say the late 60's and 70's, because we didn't have an album out, but I think Rob and the Boss understand this.

    Billy: ok, are you ready for your trivia question???? to win an autographed cymbal!!! here we g o!!!!

    Billy: first one to answer this question will win!!!!

    Billy: name the venue of the very first smashing pumpkins gig...with just james and billy playing under the name smashing pumpkins???

    Billy: yes, it was a polish bar...

    Billy: the name please.

    Billy: ok...we have a wiener.

    Billy: of course you are all winners with us.

    Billy: thanks for this lively discussion about a very important time in our life...love you all.

    Billy: oh, and by the way...about the new album...if you're interested????

    Billy: the name of the new album is......

    Q: Chicago 21?

    Billy: hoser is the winner of the cymbal, hoser, what is your e-mail address???

    Billy: the answer to the question was chicago 21...located at the corner of belmont and austin avenue in chicago....

    Billy: bye bye everybody...the new album will be out soon, and there will be no more crying about the good old rock and roll days...okay? okay...see you on the other side of a marshall stack.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    James: It has been my pleasure answering a handful of Gish Era questions, and just joking around with some others. We appreciate your support, and hope you'll be around for our new album, tentatively titled "The Great Pizza". Love to you all, James. I'm sorry about that last joke I just made. Thanks, Good night.

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